The Sharpe Ratio has become one the most widely used investment ratios for measuring risk/return. Composed of only three components, the formula establishes a relationship with any Risk-Free investment for comparing the returns. Higher ratio’s result in a higher excess return and greater profitability.The Sharpe Ratio and Excess Return is automatically calculated over a 6-month period using historical data with the following modes:
- All: Buy-Sell the security each day for 6-months with no regard to the quality of the transaction.- Technical Indicators (4): Automatically finds the best gain for each transaction.- Fixed Gain: The gain is the same for each transaction.- Technical Filters (4): Uses selective filter criterion to filter potentially risky buys.- Turbo: An aggressive risk based filter to eliminate remaining holds and stops.
A trading statement is produced for each Buy-Sell Signal specifying the number of shares, purchase price limit, sell price limit and stop price limit.
Additional data for the 6-month period is:
- Number of Transactions- Number of completed trades- The Standard Deviation associated with the Sharpe Ratio- Annualized ROI.- Gross Proceeds- Trade Expectancy- Gross Profit- Gross Holds- Gross Stops